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The Players Tribune Phone Numbers and Emails

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Email The Players Tribune?


Yes, you can email The Players' Tribune at [email protected].

How Do I Contact a Live Person at The Players Tribune?


How Do I Contact a Live Person at The Players Tribune?


How Do I Contact The Players Tribune Phone Number?


How Do I Contact The Players Tribune Support?


Contact Information

The Players Tribune Website:

The Players Tribune Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

Pro Sportority (Israel) Ltd. d/b/a Minute Media

601 W. 26th St.

New York,

New York


United States

Help in Social Networks:


Other Info (opening hours):

Mailing Addresses:

Attn. Legal Department

Pro Sportority (Israel) Ltd./Minute Media

8 Yitzhak Sadeh St., Acro Tower

Tel Aviv-Jaffa 6777508, Israel


Minute Media Shop

11025 Westlake Dr.

Charlotte, NC 28273

United States

About The Players Tribune

The Players' Tribune is a sports media platform that provides a unique and powerful platform for professional athletes to share their personal stories and connect with fans on a deeper level. Launched in 2014 by former professional baseball player Derek Jeter, The Players' Tribune features first-person essays, videos, podcasts, and photo galleries from athletes across all sports. The platform allows athletes to express themselves in their own words, offering an authentic and unfiltered look into their lives, careers, and passions. The Players' Tribune aims to humanize athletes and give them a voice beyond their performances on the field, fostering a sense of community and empathy between athletes and fans.

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