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You can contact a live person at London Stock Exchange Group by calling their customer service number or sending them an email.
London Stock Exchange Group Website:
London Stock Exchange Group Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
London Stock Exchange Group plc.
10 Paternoster Square
United Kingdom
Other Info (opening hours):
Additional Addresses:
United States:
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Suite 360
Washington, DC 20004, US
1201 3rd Avenue, Suite 2500
Seattle, WA 98101, US
28 Liberty Street, 58th Floor
New York, NY 10005, US
70 York Street, Suite 1520
Toronto, ON M5J 1S9, Canada
100-0004 Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku
Otemachi First Square (East Tower), 11th Floor
1-5-1 Otemachi, Japan
Fax: +81 (3) 3592 8590
The London Stock Exchange Group is a global financial markets infrastructure business. It operates a wide range of international equity, bond, and derivatives markets, including the London Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana, Turquoise, and the Oslo Børs. The group also provides financial indexing, analytics, and data solutions, as well as post-trade and regulatory services. With a rich history dating back to 1801, the London Stock Exchange Group is a leading provider of financial market infrastructure and data services. It is committed to supporting the growth of the global economy by providing access to capital, liquidity, and opportunities for businesses and investors worldwide.