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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Healthier Together in Dorset?


Healthier Together in Dorset is a partnership of local health and care organizations working together to improve services and care.

Can I Email Healthier Together in Dorset Customer Service by Chat?


How Do I Contact a Live Person at Healthier Together in Dorset?


How Do I Contact a Live Person at Healthier Together in Dorset?


How Do I Contact Healthier Together in Dorset Support?


Contact Information

Healthier Together in Dorset Website:

Healthier Together in Dorset Help Center:

Help in Social Networks:


About Healthier Together in Dorset

Healthier Together in Dorset is a collaborative initiative that brings together health and care services, local authorities, and the community to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the region. The program focuses on addressing key health challenges such as obesity, mental health, and smoking, and aims to reduce health inequalities and improve access to healthcare services for all residents. Healthier Together works to promote healthy lifestyles, provide support for individuals with mental health issues, and ensure that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare services. Through partnerships with various organizations and community groups, the program aims to create a coordinated approach to health and social care, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the people of Dorset.

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