Contact Fabfitfun Customer Service

Fabfitfun Phone Numbers and Emails


Toll-Free Number:

(855) 313-6267

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Contact a Live Person at Fabfitfun


You can contact a live person at Fabfitfun by emailing or calling their customer service at 855-313-6267.

How Do I Contact Fabfitfun Customer Service by Chat


How Do I Contact Fabfitfun Help via Social Media?


How Do I Contact Fabfitfun Phone Number?


What is the Fabfitfun Support


Contact Information

Fabfitfun Website:

Fabfitfun Help Center:

Corporate Office Address:

FabFitFun, Inc

700 N. San Vicente Blvd. 7th Floor- Green Building

Los Angeles,



United States

Help in Social Networks:


About Fabfitfun

FabFitFun is a seasonal subscription box that delivers a curated selection of full-sized fashion, beauty, wellness, and lifestyle products to its members. Each box is filled with hand-picked items from top brands, valued at over $200, for a fraction of the cost. Subscribers have the option to customize certain products in their box, ensuring that they receive items that cater to their individual preferences. FabFitFun’s mission is to provide its members with a fun and convenient way to discover and indulge in the latest trends and must-have products across various categories. In addition to the subscription boxes, FabFitFun also offers an online community and magazine to provide members with additional content and resources related to health, wellness, and beauty.

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