Toll-Free Number:
(800) 843-2473
Toll-Free Number:
(800) 843-2473
Customer Service:
(607) 254-2473
Yahoo Emails:
Customer Service
Bird Academy ([email protected])
Bird Cams ([email protected])
Celebrate Urban Birds ([email protected])
Great Backyard Bird Count ([email protected])
K-12 Education ([email protected])
Macaulay Library ([email protected])
NestWatch ([email protected])
Project FeederWatch ([email protected])
Other ([email protected])
General Info
Other ([email protected])
You can contact a live person at All About Birds by emailing them at [email protected] or calling 800-843-2473.
All About Birds Website:
All About Birds Help Center:
Corporate Office Address:
Other Info (opening hours):
All About Birds is a comprehensive online resource that provides a wealth of information about bird species, their behaviors, habitats, and conservation efforts. The website is managed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and offers a wide range of resources for bird enthusiasts, researchers, and educators. Users can access detailed species profiles, bird identification tools, and instructional materials for bird watching and birding activities. All About Birds also features live bird cams, audio recordings of bird calls, and interactive maps to explore bird migration patterns. The website is a valuable tool for anyone interested in learning more about the fascinating world of birds and their importance in our ecosystems.